viernes, 22 de marzo de 2013

Cambio de IP de las System Controller E4900

Hoy vamos a ver como cambiar las IP de las dos System Controller de un Sun Fire E4900. Deberemos modificar la IP de forma remota, reiniciar y posteriormente cambiar la VLAN. El motivo es el de aislar la red de consolas de la red de servicio. Esperamos que con esto se solucione un problema que tienen las system controller, al parecer y según Oracle de forma extraoficial; "Se han encontrado que las consolas en redes con mucho tráfico acaban dejando de responder por ssh". Al parecer es nuestro caso. Actualmente la System Controller Slave no repsonde y de forma periódica debemos de reiniciarlas. 

Pasos a seguir

  1. Reboot de la Slave System Controller
  2. Conectar a la Slave System Controller
  3. Cambiar la IP y red de la Slave System Controller
  4. Cambiar la VLAN de la Slave System Controller
  5. Hacer un cambio de Slave to Main.
  6. Conectar a la Main System Controller
  7. Cambiar la IP y red de la Main System Controller
  8. Cambiar la VLAN de la Main System Controller
  9. Hacer un cambio de Slave to Main.

Cambiar IP de la Slave System Controller

server_sc0:sc> showplatform
The system controller is configured to be on a network.
Network settings: static
Hostname: server_sc0
IP Address:
DNS Domain:
Primary DNS Server:
Secondary DNS Server:
Connection type: ssh
Idle connection timeout : No timeout
SNTP server:
SC POST diag Level: min
SC Failover: enabled but not active.
Persistent log option is not available in user mode.

server_sc0:sc> setupplatform -p network
Network Configuration
Is the system controller on a network? [yes]:
Use DHCP or static network settings? [static]:
Hostname [hostname]: server_sc0
IP Address [xx.x.xx.xx]:
Netmask []:
Gateway [xx.x.xx.x]:
DNS Domain []: blank
Primary DNS Server []: blank
Secondary DNS Server []: blank
To enable remote access to the system controller, select "ssh" or
Connection type (ssh, telnet, none) [none]: ssh
Rebooting the SC is required for changes in the above network
settings to take effect.
Idle connection timeout (in minutes; 0 means no timeout) [0]: 10


Esperar 5 minutos.

Cambiar la VLAN.

Hacer ping a la nueva IP y conectarse.
server_sc0:sc>showfailover -v
server_sc0:sc>setfailover on
server_sc0:sc>showfailover -v

Hacer un failover de forma manual.
server_sc0:sc>setfailover force
server_sc0:sc>showfailover -v

Comprobar que sc0 es la SC Main.

Cambiar la IP de la Main System Console

server_sc1:SC> showplatform
Domain Solaris Nodename Domain Status Keyswitch
-------- ------------------ ----------------------- -------------
A server Active - Solaris on
B - Powered Off standby
C - Powered Off off
D - Powered Off off

Only domain A is enabled in partition0.
The system controller is configured to be on a network.
Network settings: static
Hostname: server_sc1
IP Address:
DNS Domain:
Primary DNS Server:
Secondary DNS Server:
Connection type: ssh
Idle connection timeout : No timeout
Loghost for Platform:
Log Facility for Platform: local0
SNTP server:
SNMP Agent: enabled
Chassis Description: Sun Fire E4900
Chassis Contact:
Chassis Location:
Trap Hosts:
Public Community String: public
Private Community String: public
ACL for Domain A: SB0 SB2 SB4 IB6 IB8
ACL for Domain B: SB0 SB2 SB4 IB6 IB8
ACL for Domain C: SB0 SB2 SB4 IB6 IB8
ACL for Domain D: SB0 SB2 SB4 IB6 IB8
Chassis HostID: ABCEFG
PROC RTUs installed: 1
PROC Headroom Quantity: 4
PROC RTUs reserved for domain A: 5
PROC RTUs reserved for domain B: 0
PROC RTUs reserved for domain C: 0
PROC RTUs reserved for domain D: 0
SC POST diag Level: min
SC Failover: disabled
Logical Hostname:

Chassis is in single partition mode.
UltraSPARC IV+ is supported in partition 0

Frame: 0003ba:6bea48 (Tue Jan 15 14:11:28 CET 2013)
Fail LED:Off Service LED:Off
Frame Fan Trays
Left Tray Right Tray
State: OK OK
Power LED: On On
Fault LED: Off Off
Service LED: Off Off
Speed: Slow Slow
Temperature: Normal Normal
Power: OK OK
Fan 0: OK OK
Fan 1: OK OK
Fan 2: OK OK
Frame RTS
Rear/Left - OK, Connected to the System
Rear/Right - OK
Front/Left - Not Present
Front/Right - Not Present

Persistent log option is not available in user mode.

server_sc1:SC> setupplatform -p network
Network Configuration
Is the system controller on a network? [yes]:
Use DHCP or static network settings? [static]:
Hostname [hostname]: server_sc1
IP Address [xx.x.xx.xx]:
Netmask []:
Gateway [xx.x.xx.x]:
DNS Domain []: blank
Primary DNS Server []: blank
Secondary DNS Server []: blank
To enable remote access to the system controller, select "ssh" or
Connection type (ssh, telnet, none) [none]: ssh
Rebooting the SC is required for changes in the above network
settings to take effect.
Idle connection timeout (in minutes; 0 means no timeout) [0]: 10


Cambiar la VLAN.

Esperar 5 minutos.

Hacer ping y volver a conectar.
server_sc0:sc>showfailover -v
server_sc0:sc>setfailover on
server_sc0:sc>showfailover -v

Cambiar el /etc/hosts del servidor.


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